Monday, May 24, 2010

sea lion

christians...or whatever title you want to give yourself

we have to realize, we live in the world.

i mean its something said over again probably


sometimes (me included) i think we choose to be naive to the things in this world. we would rather be starry eyed followers of Jesus then people who know whats going on and get involved.
there are things running/ruining our world. and unless we get invloved in decisions being made (goverment) bla bla bla

the thing is we need to not do things half ass. in a lot of things..God gave us gifts...there are things that probably come naturally and things that may not so much but may be a passion. we need to practise those things. refine those things. become good at those things. and use them to further the kingdom

no sitting of our bums wondering why the world is going to hell.

its going to hell when we stand silent. and i guess i do that a lot. so now im learning.

get over your insecurities and do it. try it. be it. live it. learn it.

the end

disclaimer: heaps of what i said may be crap or not make sense. search through the crap and find some truth would ya?


  1. I found so much truth in the "blablabla" section...thank Na!

  2. you should edit. so many good thoughts...just thrown around melpel. blAn

